Wednesday, May 28, 2008

About Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes healthy hair and skin and prevents against cancer

New research shows that vitamin D may do more than help keep bones healthy. Tissues in the skin, brain, pancreas and elsewhere rely on this vitamin, too, to stay healthy. In addition, getting adequate amounts of vitamin D may bolster your immune system and even prevent cancers. The body synthesizes vitamin D from sunlight, and it is found naturally in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring; liver; egg yolks; and butter.

Servers for a Cure Fundraiser

Please accept this letter as a personal invitation to be part of our campaign by donating to our cause called ‘Servers for a Cure’ a non profit organization that is not only promoting awareness in our community but also raising funds towards the fight against breast cancer. Over the last two years our previous event name, ‘Kingston Taphouse and Grille End Breast Cancer’ patio fundraiser, had raised over $20,000 in the fight against breast cancer. This year as ’Servers for a Cure’ sponsored by the Spectra Hospitality Group, were hoping to beat our previous earnings in this years event!

Carlene, a server at the Kingston Taphouse and Grille, launched this event two years ago in an effort to find a cure for this cancer that almost took the life of her aunt 5 years ago. “My auntie Linda has become the most strongest and bravest woman that has ever graced my life. Her strength and power to survive was one of the most empowering moments in my life‘. Carlene has spoken. ‘And because of her I will fight until the cure is found‘. This type of devotion and passion is something that Carlene felt through the thought of losing a loved one. Auntie Linda is a true inspiration for Carlene and in turn Carlene is inspiring all those around her.

In an effort to bring local servers together to help voice her concerns Carlene created ‘Servers for a Cure’ and recruited her friends, ones a fellow server at the Kingston, and the other is a manager at the Kingston. With passion and inspiration behind these girls, they are committed into making this years event a journey of 'love, courage and hope' towards finding the cure.

The location of the event will take place at the Kingston Taphouse and Grille July 17Th, 2008 between the hours of 4pm and 10pm. A Fifteen dollars cover includes entertainment, door prises, poker tournament, ten dollar burger and Granville island beverage, drink specials, ’Servers for a Cure’ calendars; a calendar of local downtown servers ‘exposing’ themselves to promote awareness and a silent auction; items including; golf packages, wine packages, weekend retreats, spa getaways, BBQ, restaurant packages and pub crawls.

For everything that you have ever wanted to do in your life but never had the chance too, for wanting to change something but never had the courage too, for any woman out there fighting for her life, but quit because there was not a cure, for every child out there who lost their mother because there was not enough time. Now is your chance to do it, to change it, to fight it, to stop it. Because for every person fighting is a chance to save a life.

Be a part of the cure and help encourage others in the community by joining this cause. Donate to the ‘Servers for a Cure’ campaign. It’s a commitment we are willing to fight for, are you?

For further information or to donate please contact Carlene via email at

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 28th, 2008

Dear Servers..

So I'm trying to create a group that involves servers, us, through out the community to raise our voices and create awareness and funds for breast cancer. Though, I'm finding it very hard to do this year, considering I have this amazing concept that 'exposes' servers to create the funds in a very professional, classy and tasteful manner but not able to find restaurants to participate.

Most places think its a great idea and I sell it well cause its the one part of my life that I'm so passionate about. But alas, they end up pulling out aka, the big boss decided against it cause they don't need the advertisement or like I like to state it...'they don't want to showcase their business while helping a cause that could potentially save someone in their lives life'!

But really all I'm trying to do is help find the cure for breast cancer. And while I know that I cant find it medically, I can create a voice with the networking that I have developed through the years of serving and I can create a group that will help me raise that voice and my concerns and raise funds for someone to find the cure.

Though it seems like the harder and harder I try, the harder and harder I fall.
But I'm going to keep trying different angles of this concept in hopes that a few years down the road those restaurants big bosses will want to be a part of my fight, and ill be there welcoming them as a stronger and bigger voice then ever!!

From a server trying to make a difference

Friday, May 9, 2008

List of known risk factors

Here is a table listing of the different categories of known risk factors:Weak risk factors for breast cancer
Family history of postmenopausal breast cancer, except if associated with male breast cancer + bilateral disease
High Socioeconomic status
Later age at first birth (30 yr vs. 20 yr)
Later age at menopause (55 yr vs. 45 yr)
Early age at menarche (11 yr vs. 15 yr)
Postmenopausal obesity
Alcohol consumption
Hormone replacement therapy (long term usage)

Moderate risk factors for breast cancer Older age
North American and Northern European residence
Family history of premenopausal breast cancer
Personal history of breast cancer
Breast hyperplasia without atypia
Mammographic density occupying 50% of the breast volume

Strong risk factors for breast cancer
Family history of premenopausal bilateral breast cancer or premenopausal breast cancer in mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and aunt or breast cancer and ovarian cancer in mother, grandmother, sister, aunt
Evidence of susceptibility gene BRCA1/BRCA2
Personal history of lobular carcinoma in situ
Breast atypical hyperplasia
Mammographic density occupying 75% of the breast volume

What Causes Breast Cancer?

What Causes Breast Cancer?
There is no one thing that causes breast cancer, but there are some common factors that seem to increase the risk of developing it. One of the most common risk factors of being diagnosed with breast cancer is being a female. As a woman or man ages, the incidence of breast cancer increases.
Family history also plays a role in whether an individual will develop breast cancer. If any immediate family members have been diagnosed with breast cancer before menopause, there may be a higher risk of developing the disease.
There are also two genes that are associated with breast cancer: BRCA1 and BRCA2. These two genes are associated with about 5-10% of all breast cancer cases, and women who test positive for one of these genes may have a higher risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer. BRCA2 is associated with male breast cancer. It is possible to be tested for these genes.

Stages of Breast Cancer

Stages of Breast Cancer Breast cancer is staged according to its development in the body. After the healthcare team reviews the tumor’s details, such as size, characteristics, and whether it has spread to other areas of the body, they are able to determine the nature of the illness, as well as the available treatment options. Staging provides information on risk of recurrence and the best course of action in treating the cancer.
There are two methods used in staging breast cancer, the Stage 0 to IV method, and the TNM method (Tumor Node Metastasis). In the Stage 0 to IV method, breast cancer is divided into groups depending on the size of the tumor, and whether it has spread to other parts of the body. The more serious the cancer, the higher the stage number will be.
When using the TNM method, each of the letters is followed by a number describing the size of the tumor, and the extent to which other parts of the body are affected. These numbers can range from 1-4 depending on the severity of the cancer, and whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

Servers for a Cure

Over 10 million people around the world will die from breast cancer in the next 25 years. It’s a cancer that is stealing our moms, our daughters, our aunts, our sisters, our grandmothers and its affecting all of our lives. And in order to properly treat and one day cure breast cancer, it is important to understand what breast cancer really is, and what we are fighting for.

What is Breast Cancer
In short, breast cancer is a disease that affects the cells of the breast. Breasts, like the rest of the body, are made up of millions of cells. When the body is attacked by cancer, cells will grow abnormally and either circulate in the blood or immune system, or form lumps and tumors.
When these abnormal cells grow, they can form lumps in the body that are either benign or malignant. Benign growths will grow to a certain size, but will not spread to other parts of the body, and they are not usually life-threatening. Malignant (cancerous) tumors do not stop growing when they reach a certain size, and can pose serious danger to the body. They can attack surrounding tissues and possibly spread to other parts of the body where they will metastasize, or create new tumors. It is the process of metastatic growth in other areas of the body that is the most harmful.
The majority of breast cancers start in the glandular tissue of the breast, called adenocarcinoma, and the most common form of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which is in the milk ducts of the breast. While ductal carcinoma breast cancer is the most common, there are also other types of breast cancers that affect the body in different ways, such as inflammatory breast cancer.